Intermediate+ Word of the Day: thread

A thread is a long, thin cord or fiber. In a narrative or in speech, it is something that connects parts of a sequence, running through the whole thing, you might know that meaning from emails or Internet posts as well, meaning ‘a series of messages dealing with the same topic.’ Threads, always in the plural, is…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: weave

To weave means ‘to lace together threads, so as to form a fabric’ and also ‘to form by weaving,’ like you can do for example with a basket or some outdoor furniture. Spiders, and other small insects, weave webs. Figuratively, to connect and combine things as a whole is also to weave and also to move by zigzagging or winding. As a noun, a weave is a pattern or…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: nut

A nut is a dry fruit consisting of an edible kernel, enclosed in a woody shell. The kernel itself is also called a nut. A nut is also a metal block with a threaded hole allowing it to be screwed down on a bolt to hold the objects the bolt passes through together. Colloquially,…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: twine

A twine is a strong thread made of several threads twisted together and a knot or tangle. As a verb, to twine means ‘to twist something together with something else,’ ‘to insert with a twisting motion,’ ‘to form by twisting together.’ It also means ‘to wrap’ and, usually followed by around or about, ‘to clasp something around something else’…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: loop

A loop is any thread, cord, rope, etc. folded upon itself so as to leave a circular opening between the parts. In computing, a loop is the repetition of instructions in a program. Informally, we call a group or network of people who have access to inside information the loop…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: nut

A nut is a dry fruit consisting of an edible kernel, enclosed in a woody shell. The kernel itself is also called a nut. A nut is also a metal block with a threaded hole allowing it to be screwed down on a bolt to hold the objects the bolt passes through together. Colloquially,…

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Word of the Day: loop

A loop is any thread, cord, rope, etc. folded upon itself so as to leave a circular opening between the parts. In computing, a loop is the repetition of instructions in a program. Informally, we call a group or network of people who have access to inside information the loop…

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