A note from WordReference

Word Reference
Word of the Day
December 18, 2015
Word of the Day Suspended for the Holidays 
As the end of the year approaches, we wanted to thank you for reading Word of the Day! We are excited about this new project and are very grateful for your support. We hope you will enjoy the holidays with your families and that past Words of the Day will come in handy if you have the opportunity to speak English. Meanwhile, we will be taking a short break from Word of the Day while we work out some technical issues. In late January, we will return with a new set of words and an improved app. We will also be launching an English Word of the Day for beginners.

And now, WordReference proposes a toast to you (with some familiar words)

If you are heading home for the holidays, we hope

That your trip will be a merry one

That you will sit cozily by a flaring fire, drinking hot chocolate from a mug, with a good book in your lap

That you won’t stuff yourself on desserts at your company holiday party

And that you won’t forget to zip up your coat when you go outside, especially if it’s chilly!


Happy holidays from the WordReference team!


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