(noun, verb)
past tense: puzzled

A jigsaw puzzle
A puzzle is a toy, game, or problem that presents difficulties to be solved by clever thinking or great effort.
- Cecile does the New York Times crossword puzzle every Sunday.
- Evan works on the jigsaw puzzle every night before bed.
Puzzle also means ‘to confuse or mystify.’
- Fred's attitude puzzles me.
- The patient's symptoms puzzled the doctor.
Did you know?
Do you like math puzzles? Then try this one.
In pop culture
Do you know TED? TED is a media organization that posts talks online, called TED talks, for free distribution. They also have a YouTube channel called TED Ed. Watch this video from it and try to solve the green eyed logic puzzle. Do you think you can?
There are other meanings of puzzle.
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.