(verb, noun)
past tense: hunted

- Zach and Lance hunt deer in the autumn.
Hunt also means ‘to search thoroughly.’
- Every Sunday, Tom and Annie hunt for a new house.
- Joan hunted every store in the mall for a scarf to match her new dress.
A hunt is a search or pursuit.
- The hunt for the plane wreckage took several months.
Related words
manhunt: a search for a criminal. Example: “After the prisoner escaped, the police conducted a manhunt of the entire county.”
Did you know?
This Sunday, Christian families around the world celebrate Easter. Egg hunts are popular in some countries at Easter time. Parents hide real eggs, candy eggs, or plastic eggs filled with candy or toys around the house or garden and the children hunt for them.
In pop culture
Watch this video of two small children on an Easter egg hunt in their house. Is this a custom in your country?
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.