(verb, noun)
past tense: gambled

Gamble means ‘to play at a game of chance for money or another prize.’
- When Gary goes to Las Vegas he likes to gamble at the roulette table.
- Poker is a card game in which you gamble.
Gamble also means ‘to risk something of value on an uncertain outcome.’
- Steve gambled his life savings on a real estate deal.
A gamble is any matter involving risk.
- Hiring young sales representatitves with no experience was a gamble that succeeded.
Don't confuse it with
gambol: to jump or dance about happily. Example: “On the first warm day, the children gamboled through the field of flowers.”
In pop culture
Casino is a movie about gambling: gambling on building a casino in the middle of the desert; gambling on a new manager for the casino; gambling on personal relationships; and of course, gambling in the casino. Watch the trailer:
There are other meanings of gamble.
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