past tense: poured

Pour means ‘to cause to flow from one container to another or over, into or on something.’
- Jake poured milk into his cereal bowl.
- Julia poured the sauce over the spaghetti.
- The winning team poured champagne on their coach's head.
Pour also means ‘to rain heavily.’
- Take your umbrella; it's pouring.
Pour can also mean ‘to proceed in great numbers.’
- On the first day of the sale, the crowds poured into the store.
- After the concert, the fans poured out of the arena.
Don't confuse it with
pore: to study with focused attention. Example: “Eloise pored over her essay, looking for grammatical errors.”
Common uses
pour out: to speak a lot. Example: “Keith poured out his troubles to his best friend.”
Did you know?
Have you been pouring your Guinness wrong? Watch this video in which a math professor explains the most efficient way to pour your beer.
In pop culture
Here is Rihanna singing “Pour It Up.”
There are other meanings of pour.
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