Intermediate+ Word of the Day

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: clog

To clog means ‘to block or obstruct with a thick substance,’ ‘to fill excessively,’ and ‘to hinder or impede.’ A clog is anything that restricts movement. Unrelatedly, a clog is a…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: account

An account is a description of events and also a reason or judgment. In business, it is money deposited with a bank or, usually in the plural, a formal record of financial transactions. As a verb, to account means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: even

As an adjective and talking about a surface, even means ‘regular, with no bumps.’ It also means ‘constant and regular,’ ‘on the same level’ or ‘parallel,’ and also ‘equal,’ and ‘fair.’ In mathematics, an even number is…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: pound

Pound is a unit of weight used in many English speaking countries, equal to 0.453 kg, and it is also the monetary unit of the UK, and other countries like Lebanon and Egypt. As a verb, to pound means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: craft

A craft is an art that requires hand skills and it is also the ability to use your hands well or, negatively, a skill used for bad purposes, such as cunning or deceit. Crafts (or handicrafts), in the plural, are objects made by hand. A craft is also a ship or an airplane, or ships and airplanes thought of as a group…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: wave

A wave is most commonly a movement in the surface of water, the hand movement we use for greeting, or any other gesture resembling that. In physics, a wave is a disturbance sent out or across from one point to another in a medium. Figuratively, a wave is any sudden emotion or rush of feelings or a period of extreme heat or cold…

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