Intermediate+ Word of the Day: plug

You probably know what a plug is. But did you know that to plug is something you might do to a leaking pipe or a bathtub? How about something an actor might do on a talk show? There are many more meanings to it…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: slat

A slat is a long, narrow strip of wood, metal, or the like used as a support for a bed, or the horizontal strips Venetian blinds have, for example. Colloquially, in US English, always in the plural form, slats are ribs. The verb to slat means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: dangle

To dangle means ‘to hang or swing loosely’ and also ‘to cause something to hang loosely.’ If you dangle after someone, it means that you hang around them or follow them as if looking for favor or attention…

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