
When we use the word weather, we are talking about the conditions outside–for example how cold, hot, sunny, windy, or rainy it is.
- We usually have a lot of bad weather in the winter.
We can also use the word weather to talk about the part of the news that describes the weather for the next few days.
- I like to watch the weather so I know if it's going to rain.
Don't confuse it with
Whether is a word that means ‘if.’ The pronunciation is the same. “I don’t know whether he eats meat.”
Common uses
When someone is feeling a bit sick but it isn’t very serious, we often say that they are under the weather. For example, “He’s a little under the weather today but he’ll be fine tomorrow.”
In pop culture
Jazz singer Etta James is famous for the song “Stormy Weather.” A storm, or stormy weather, is when it rains a lot. In this song, “stormy weather” is figurative and she talks about difficult things in her life. Listen to her say, “[It] keeps raining all of the time.”
There are other meanings of weather.
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.