
Christmas gifts
A gift is something that you give to someone, usually because it is their birthday or another special day.
- Look at all the gifts under the Christmas tree!
If you have a gift for something, it means that you do it very well.
- Your daughter has a gift for art. Her paintings are beautiful!
Did you know?
Present has the same meaning as gift. Gift is a little more formal than present. “This watch was a birthday present from my parents.”
Related words
If you giftwrap something, it means that you cover it with pretty paper. Giftwrap and wrap a gift have the same meaning. When we buy a gift in a shop at Christmas, the shop assistant often asks, “Would you like that giftwrapped?”
In pop culture
Giftwrapping isn’t always easy! This video teaches you how to wrap gifts that are a circle shape. What does the woman say that you will need?
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.