past tense: needed

I need new shoes.
If you need something, it means that you have to have it. If you don’t have it, it will be bad for you.
- Our bodies need water.
If you need something, it can also mean that you are going to use something, or that you could use something.
- Do you need the car today?
- Do you need any help with that?
Or it can mean that it is important for you to have something.
- He needs new shoes.
If you need to do something, it means that you have to do it, or you should do it.
- I need to finish my homework.
In pop culture
Do you know the song “I Need a Dollar” by Aloe Blacc? It’s about a man who has no money and has to live on the streets. Listen for these words in the song: “And if I share with you my story, would you share your dollar with me?”
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.