(verb, noun)
past tense: updated

Let me update you before you start working.
Update means ‘to add new information.’
- After her business trip, Frances updated her expense report.
- The surgeon updated his colleagues on the latest techniques.
An update is new or current information used in updating.
- The project manager gave the team an update of the week's activities.
An update is also a new or updated version.
- Charlie downloaded the software update.
- You're using last year's manual; let me send you an update.
Did you know?
WordRefererence.com has a Language Forum where you can ask questions about English usage. One thread discusses the difference between updated and up-to-date. You can read it here.
In pop culture
“Weekend Update” is a satirical news feature on the US TV show Saturday Night Live. In this clip, you can see Eddie Murphy as a guest:
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.