(noun, verb)
past tense: jarred

A jar of pickles
A jar is a glass container that you put things in.
- Martin opened the jar of strawberry jam.
- Emma took a chocolate chip cookie from the cookie jar.
Jar also means ‘to suddenly vibrate or shake.’
- The earthquake jarred the house.
- The fire alarm jarred me from my sleep.
Did you know?
Some homes have a swear jar to discourage family members or roommates from using vulgar language. Every time someone swears (says a bad word), they have to put money in the jar.
Related words
ajar: slightly opened, when referring to a door. Example: “The door was ajar, so she heard their conversation.”
In pop culture
Watch this clip from the TV show Glee, which takes place at a high school prom (dance). The song is “Jar of Hearts.” You can sing along with the chorus: “Who do you think you are?/Running around leaving scars/Collecting your jar of hearts/Tearing love apart/ You’re going to catch a cold/From the ice inside your soul/Don’t come back for me.”
There are other meanings of jar.
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.