(noun, verb)
past tense: edged

An edge is a line at which the surface ends.
- The hiker walked over to the edge of the cliff.
- The car drove very close to the edge of the road.
An edge is also the the sharp side of a cutting instrument.
- His father sharpened the edge of the knife.
Edge also means ‘to move gradually and cautiously.’
- The boy edged slowly out of the room so he would not wake his grandfather.
Common uses
on edge: tense or nervous. Example: “The artist was on edge until his client approved of her portrait.”
have an edge: to have an advantage. Example: “Tall basketball players have an edge over shorter opponents.”
In pop culture
Living on the edge means ‘having a risky lifestyle.’ Enjoy this Aerosmith video of their song “Livin’ on the Edge.”
There are other meanings of edge.
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