(noun, verb)
past tense: cautioned

Caution is a warning against danger.
- When you see a stop sign, stop, and then proceed with caution.
- The policeman gave a caution to the driver about speeding.
Caution also means ‘to warn.’
- Fran's mother cautioned her not to eat too much dessert.
- The referee cautioned the player about his penalties.
Common uses
throw caution to the wind: to do something without worrying about the risk. Example: “Stan threw caution to the wind and flew the airplane without checking the fuel gauge.”
cautionary tale: a story that warns of danger. Example: “It’s a cautionary tale about people who spend money foolishly.”
Related words
cautious: showing or using caution. Example: “Ryan is always cautious when he comes home after midnight.”
In pop culture
Do you know the difference between danger, warning and caution? Take this quiz to test your knowledge:
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