
Success is the favorable result of something attempted.
- Gerard had success in math and science, but had trouble with English and history.
- Although the critics hated the movie, it was a box-office success.
- The party was a success; everyone danced!
Common uses
success story: a person or venture that achieves great success. Example: “The single mom turned her idea for a series of children’s fantasy books into a success story.”
Related words
succeed: to accomplish what is intended. Example: “Carol succeeded in winning the race.”
In pop culture
One success story of recent history is Harry Potter and its star. Now that Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) has grown up, he has starred in several movies and plays. See him in this revival of the Broadway play, “How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying,” as the cast sings “Brotherhood of Man.”
There are other meanings of success.
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