
Poor means ‘having little or no money.’
- Mary's family was poor when she was a child.
- The rich have many advantages over the poor.
Poor also means ‘below the usual standard’ or ‘inferior.’
- Dan's mother worried about his poor grades in school.
- The poor workmanship of that table makes it very unstable.
Poor also means ‘unfortunate.’
- Our poor dog was lost for several days.
Don't confuse it with
pour: to cause to flow from one container to another. Example: “Please pour the orange juice into glasses.”
Common uses
as poor as a church mouse: extremely poor. Example: “When my grandfather came to America, he was as poor as a church mouse.”
In pop culture
Listen to Eric Clapton and B. B. King singing “Help the Poor.”
There are other meanings of poor.
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.