
A homeless shelter
A shelter is a place that protects from cold, storms, danger, etc.
- During the storm, people waited for the bus in the bus shelter.
- During the flood, the school served as a shelter for the displaced residents.
Shelter is also the protection provided by a shelter.
- The animals took shelter in a cave.
- The old man found shelter in the library on the hottest days.
A shelter can also be a building serving as a temporary place to live, as for homeless or street animals.
- The church ran a homeless shelter in their basement.
- Amanda adopted a dog from the shelter.
Did you know?
Shelter is also a regular verb that means ‘to provide shelter.’ Example: “Linda and John sheltered the homeless man.” It also means ‘to find a safe place.’ Example: “We sheltered from the snow inside the pub.”
In pop culture
Listen to The Rolling Stones 1969 classic, “Gimme Shelter.” Enjoy!
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