(noun, verb)
past tense: ventured

Angela's first business venture was a success.
A venture is an activity involving risk or uncertainty.
- Their mountain climbing venture was harder than they expected.
- Nancy's new business venture attracted several wealthy investors.
Venture means ‘to risk’ or ‘to take a risk.’
- The investor ventured 20% of his money on startups.
- The explorers venture deep into the forest.
Common uses
venture a guess: to assume. Example: “I’d venture a guess that the reviews of your book will be very positive.”
venture capital: high-risk investments that can be very profitable, if successful. Example: “Ted hoped that he could find someone to invest venture capital in his new business.”
In pop culture
If you were a teenager in the ’60s, you probably listened to the instrumental band, The Ventures. Here they are playing their hit, “Wipe Out.”
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