past tense: joined

Let's join hands.
Join means ‘to come together’ or ‘to unite.’
- Let's join hands and dance.
- The two rivers join before they reach the sea.
- Please join us as we sing the chorus.
Join also means ‘to become a member of a club or organization.’
- Robert joined the chess club at school.
- Alice joined the gym for strength training.
Common uses
join in: to take part in. Example: “Come to the party and join in the fun!”
join forces: come together for a specific purpose. Example: “If both research teams join forces, perhaps they can find a cure for this disease sooner.”
Related words
joint: the place where two bones are joined. Example: “The knee is a joint between the upper and lower leg.”
In pop culture
Watch this scene from The Simpsons of a commercial that tricks people into joining the navy by spelling it backwards.
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