(verb, noun)
past tense: braided

Braid means ‘to weave together three or more strips of hair or other material.’
- Sophia braids her hair every morning before school.
- The factory braids rope out of strips of hemp.
A braid is a braided length, usually of hair.
- Lilli wore her hair in braids until she was 12 years old.
- The decorative pillow had gold braids along the edge.
Learn how
There are several ways to braid your hair. Watch this video to learn how to create six different braids:
Did you know?
This video shows you how to braid a round challah, the bread that is traditionally served for the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah).
In pop culture
Chris Pratt is a talented actor. But did you know he can French braid hair? Watch him in this interview:
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.