Intermediate+ Word of the Day

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: blob

A blob is a lump of thick, liquid substance or any other small lump, drop, or splotch. An object with no distinct shape or definition is also a blob, especially if it’s a large one. Informally and always quite pejoratively, we use blob to talk about people. A person who’s boring and uninteresting can be a blob, and so can…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: cram

To cram means ‘to fill something by force with more than it can easily hold’ or ‘to force or stuff something.’ When we are talking about people going into a limited space, it means ‘to crowd.’ Informally, if you study for an exam at the very last minute trying to memorize facts, then you’re cramming. Cram is…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: clasp

A clasp is a device that fastens two or more things together. It is also a firm grasp of the hand or a tight hug or embrace. As a verb, to clasp means ‘to fasten with a clasp.’ It also means ‘to grasp with the hands’ or ‘to hug or embrace…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: slant

To slant means ‘to turn away from a straight line,’ especially a horizontal line. Figuratively, it means ‘to distort information by presenting it from a particular viewpoint’ or ‘to present something in such a way as to interest a particular group.’ As a noun, a slant is a…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: wriggle

To wriggle means ‘to twist from one side to the other’ or ‘to move along with twisting movements,’ like worms or snakes do, or ‘to make something move with such movements.’ Figuratively, it means ‘to contrive a way out of a difficulty.’ As a noun, a wriggle is a twisting…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: hob

In UK English, a hob is the flat top part of a cooking stove or a separate flat surface with burners that we use for cooking. It is also a projection at the back or side of a fireplace used for keeping food or other things warm, although this sense is not much used anymore. In games…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: flack

In US slang, a flack is a press agent and, as an uncountable noun, also publicity. To flack means ‘to work as a press agent’ or ‘to promote or publicize.’ Unrelatedly, in a military context, flack, also spelled flak, is antiaircraft fire. Related to this, figuratively, flack or flak is strong and harsh criticism, usually a great deal of…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: trench

A trench is a narrow area dug out of the ground as a defense against the enemy and, more generally, any deep ditch or cut in the ground or a deep depression in the ocean floor. As a verb, to trench means surround or fortify with trenches or to form a trench. In agriculture, it means…

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