To freeze means ‘to become hardened into ice’ or ‘to become hard with cold.’ If you’re talking about feelings, it means ‘to lose warmth.’ It also means…
Stock is the supply of goods in a store or warehouse or something that is kept for future use. Stock is also the liquid made from boiled meat or vegetables, used for…
To trim means ‘to make tidy or neat by clipping or by cutting what’s unnecessary.’ Figuratively, it means ‘to reduce or cut down.’ Trim also means ‘to decorate or adorn with ornaments.’ As a noun, a trim is the action of trimming by cutting, or a material used for decoration. A trim is also….
To perk, followed by up, means ‘to become cheerful and lively again after being sad for a bit’ and also ‘to rise quickly.’ Informally, still with up, it means ‘to make smart.’ Informally, to perk also means…
A mess is a disorderly or dirty state or thing. When we call someone a mess, we mean that his or her life is in a state of confusion or disorganization. A mess is also a…
To huddle means ‘to gather together closely’ and ‘to get together to discuss something’ in a close group, normally so that you can talk to each other in low voices to avoid being overheard. It also means…
A scrap is a small piece or fragment of something or something that has been thrown away but can be reused. Scraps, usually in the plural, are food leftovers. As an adjective, scrap refers to something thrown away or…
To dip means ‘to immerse something quickly in a liquid’ and also ‘to scoop up.’ It also means ‘to go downward’ or ‘to decrease temporarily.’ In addition, to dip means…