To burst means ‘to break suddenly’ or ‘to come forth suddenly and with force and impact.’ When talking about feelings, burst means ‘to suddenly show them.’ Burst also means…
An account is a description of events and also a reason or judgment. In business, it is money deposited with a bank or, usually in the plural, a formal record of financial transactions. As a verb, to account means…
A drop is a small amount of liquid in a globule or, figuratively, a small amount of anything. A drop is also a descent or fall, a decline in the amount of something, and a…
As an adjective and talking about a surface, even means ‘regular, with no bumps.’ It also means ‘constant and regular,’ ‘on the same level’ or ‘parallel,’ and also ‘equal,’ and ‘fair.’ In mathematics, an even number is…
Pound is a unit of weight used in many English speaking countries, equal to 0.453 kg, and it is also the monetary unit of the UK, and other countries like Lebanon and Egypt. As a verb, to pound means…