A handle is a part of a thing made to be taken hold of by the hand. Unrelatedly, and colloquially, a handle is somebody’s name (this is especially used for usernames for apps and websites). To handle means…
A horn is one of the bony, pointed growths on the head of certain animals, like goats or antelopes, or the similar single bone growing on animals, like rhinoceros. A horn is also…
Roughly is an adverb with two different meanings. It means ‘almost’ or ‘approximately’ and it also means ‘in a violent manner’ or ‘without precision.’ You may remember this second meaning from the adjective rough.
To freeze means ‘to become hardened into ice’ or ‘to become hard with cold.’ If you’re talking about feelings, it means ‘to lose warmth.’ It also means…
Stock is the supply of goods in a store or warehouse or something that is kept for future use. Stock is also the liquid made from boiled meat or vegetables, used for…