Intermediate+ Word of the Day: shake

To shake is ‘to move with short, quick movements or up and down when mixing’ and ‘to tremble,’ literally and figuratively, as with cold or excitement or fear. When we shake hands, we hold someone else’s hand in greeting and move it up and down. Shake, often used with off, also means ‘to get rid of something’ or ‘to cause something to become loose and fall’…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: handle

A handle is a part of a thing made to be taken hold of by the hand. Unrelatedly, and colloquially, a handle is somebody’s name (this is especially used for usernames for apps and websites). To handle means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: roughly

Roughly is an adverb with two different meanings. It means ‘almost’ or ‘approximately’ and it also means ‘in a violent manner’ or ‘without precision.’ You may remember this second meaning from the adjective rough.

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