A tack is a short nail with a large flat head, as well as a long stitch used to fasten fabric before sewing. It is also a course of action and, more specifically, the direction a boat takes when it…
A campaign is a series of operations undertaken for a specific purpose. On a military campaign, these operations are part of a war. However, campaigns can be related to politics, sales, marketing, or anything else aiming to achieve a certain aim. In politics, a campaign is a competition between candidates…
We think you all probably know that blue is a primary color and, as an adjective, refers to anything of the color blue. As a noun, always with the, the blue can refer to either the sky or the ocean. Blues, always in the plural, is a music genre, and the blues is a colloquial synonym for ‘sadness or depressed spirits.’
A jar is a wide open container, mostly cylinder shaped and made of glass, and also the quantity held by it. Completely unrelated, to jar means ‘to have an unpleasant and sudden effect on your nerves or feelings’ and, more generally, ‘to shake or vibrate.’ Jar also means ‘to clash or conflict.’ Related to this meaning, the noun jar is…