A loop is any thread, cord, rope, etc. folded upon itself so as to leave a circular opening between the parts. In computing, a loop is the repetition of instructions in a program. Informally, we call a group or network of people who have access to inside information the loop…
Suit can refer to clothing; it is a set of garments, for either a man or a woman, in the same color and fabric, consisting of pants or skirt, a jacket, and sometimes a vest. It is also any other set of clothing or armor meant to be used together. A suit is also an outfit used for a particular activity, like running or bathing, for example…
Most commonly, will is an auxiliary verb that indicates a future action or probability or expresses a demand or the willingness or ability to do something. As a normal verb, will is a formal way of saying ‘to wish or like. However, will is also a noun that means ‘the ability to do things deliberately,’ ‘a wish or desire,’ ‘a feeling or emotion’ and ‘purpose or determination…