Intermediate+ Word of the Day: tweak

To tweak means ‘to pinch and pull with a jerk and twist’ or ‘to pull the nose gently and with care.’ It also means ‘to adjust a little bit.’ As a noun, a tweak is a sharp twist or jerk, as well as the act of tweaking. Also, a tweak is a minor adjustment. Informally, and mostly in the US, to tweak also means ‘to get high on drugs,’…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: pluck

To pluck means ‘to pull off from the place of growth,’ as done with flowers, feathers, or hairs. It also means ‘to remove feathers or hairs’ by pulling. Pluck also means ‘to grab and pull.’ In music, pluck means ‘to sound the strings of an instrument’ by pulling at them with the fingers…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: loop

A loop is any thread, cord, rope, etc. folded upon itself so as to leave a circular opening between the parts. In computing, a loop is the repetition of instructions in a program. Informally, we call a group or network of people who have access to inside information the loop…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: mole

A mole is a small spot, usually dark brown in color, on the skin. A mole is also an animal that eats insects and lives underground. Figuratively, a mole is a spy working within the organization he or she is spying on. In chemistry, a mole is the molecular weight of a substance expressed in grams…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: dig

To dig means ‘to turn over earth with a shovel or a spade’ or ‘to work very hard as if turning something.’ Dig also means ‘to poke or force.’ As a noun, a dig is a poke and also an archeological excavation site. Informally, a dig is a sarcastic remark…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: suit

Suit can refer to clothing; it is a set of garments, for either a man or a woman, in the same color and fabric, consisting of pants or skirt, a jacket, and sometimes a vest. It is also any other set of clothing or armor meant to be used together. A suit is also an outfit used for a particular activity, like running or bathing, for example…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: will

Most commonly, will is an auxiliary verb that indicates a future action or probability or expresses a demand or the willingness or ability to do something. As a normal verb, will is a formal way of saying ‘to wish or like. However, will is also a noun that means ‘the ability to do things deliberately,’ ‘a wish or desire,’ ‘a feeling or emotion’ and ‘purpose or determination…

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