Intermediate+ Word of the Day: blob

A blob is a lump of thick, liquid substance or any other small lump, drop, or splotch. An object with no distinct shape or definition is also a blob, especially if it’s a large one. Informally and always quite pejoratively, we use blob to talk about people. A person who’s boring and uninteresting can be a blob, and so can…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: cram

To cram means ‘to fill something by force with more than it can easily hold’ or ‘to force or stuff something.’ When we are talking about people going into a limited space, it means ‘to crowd.’ Informally, if you study for an exam at the very last minute trying to memorize facts, then you’re cramming. Cram is…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: clasp

A clasp is a device that fastens two or more things together. It is also a firm grasp of the hand or a tight hug or embrace. As a verb, to clasp means ‘to fasten with a clasp.’ It also means ‘to grasp with the hands’ or ‘to hug or embrace…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: slant

To slant means ‘to turn away from a straight line,’ especially a horizontal line. Figuratively, it means ‘to distort information by presenting it from a particular viewpoint’ or ‘to present something in such a way as to interest a particular group.’ As a noun, a slant is a…

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