
A lot of people
If you have a lot of something, it means that you have ‘a large number, or a large amount,’ of it.
- I have a lot of brothers and sisters.
- I like a lot of sugar in my coffee.
When we use a lot of, we can also say lots of. We usually use lots of when we’re speaking with our friends, or people we know well.
- We’re going to have lots of fun!
If you do something a lot, it means that ‘you do it often.’
- Do you go to the theater a lot?
We can use a lot with more or -er when we want to say that ‘the difference between two things is quite big.’
- This box is a lot heavier than that box.
Common uses
When someone does something very nice for us, and we want to say thank you, we sometimes say, “Thanks a lot!” For example, “Thanks a lot for buying me lunch!”
In pop culture
The Force Awakens is a 2015 film in the Star Wars series. In this video from the movie, Han Solo is teaching a girl to fight. He gives her a gun, and tells her how to use it. She thinks that it will be easy for her, but Han Solo isn’t so sure. He says, “You’ve got a lot to learn.” What happens later? Who was right: Han or the girl?
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.