past tense: denied

To deny is to state that something is not true.
- Andrew denied eating the last cookie, although there were crumbs on his shirt.
- Lucy denied that she knew who robbed the bank.
To deny also means ‘to refused to give something to someone.’
- I can never deny my children anything when they ask nicely.
- Bill couldn't remember his password, so his access to the computer application was denied.
To deny is also to refuse to accept or approve something.
- The bank denied their application for a loan.
Related words
Denial is the act of denying. It also means that you don’t accept something that is true. In English there is a famous phrase, “Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.” Do you understand the joke?
In pop culture
Here’s a recording of Lisa Stansfield singing, “You Can’t Deny It.”
There are other meanings of deny.
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