(verb, noun, adjective)
past tense: wondered

"I wonder where I left my keys."
To wonder means ‘to be curious about’ or ‘to ask oneself about.’
- Terrence wondered if he would enjoy the movie.
- Many people wonder what the future will bring.
To wonder also means ‘to be filled with awe and amazement.’
- He wondered at his grandson's intelligence.
- Felice wondered at the sunset over the mountains.
Wonder is a feeling of amazement, interest or admiration.
- Seeing the Taj Mahal filled me with wonder.
Wonder is also being amazing in effect or ability.
- We all hope for a wonder drug that will cure cancer.
Don't confuse it with
wander: to roam or move around without a specific destination. Example: “Moses and the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.”
Common uses
We often hear about the 7 Wonders of the World. It seems that there are many lists of wonders of the world, which you can read about by clicking here.
Did you know?
Wonder sometimes introduces a request. Example: “I wonder if you would help me.”
Related words
wonderful: excellent or marvelous. Example: “We ate at a wonderful restaurant last night; the food was delicious.”
In pop culture
If you were a teenager in 1958, you probably knew the words to The Monotones’ hit, “Book of Love.” Sing along with the chorus: “I wonder, wonder who, who wrote the book of love.”
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.