(noun, verb)
past tense: rang

A ring is a circular band, usually of gold or another metal, worn on the finger.
- Marie's engagement ring had an emerald and two small diamonds.
- George wore the class ring that he got when he graduated from the university.
A ring can be something shaped like a ring.
- The children held hands and danced in a ring.
- The cigar smoker blew smoke rings.
Ring also means ‘to make a loud echoing sound as that of a bell.’
- Someone is ringing the doorbell. Would you please answer it?
- The church bells ring before Sunday mass.
Common uses
give someone a ring: to call someone on the telephone. Example: “I don’t know if we can come to your party, but I’ll give you a ring as soon as I know.”
Did you know?
A boxing ring is the space where a boxing (fighting with padded gloves) match takes place. Modern boxing rings are square, but we still call them rings because in the past, people fought inside a circle drawn on the ground.
In pop culture
Listen to Johnny Cash sing “Ring of Fire.” This song compares love to a ring of fire. Do you think that is a good comparison?
There are other meanings of ring.
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