
All the kids ganged up on Arthur.
A gang is a group of people who associate with each other, with similar tastes or interests.
- "I'm throwing a party for the gang I grew up with."
- The gang is going to a movie tonight. Do you want to join us?"
A gang can also be a group engaging in criminal or antisocial behavior.
- West Side Story is a play about two street gangs in New York.
- It's not safe to walk there at night because of the gangs in the neighborhood.
Common uses
gang up on: to combine against. Example: “Her three brothers like to gang up on her.”
chain gang: a group of prisoners chained together while working outside the prison. Example: “The chain gang was working on the bridge repairs.”
Related words
gangster: a member of a gang of criminals. Example: “The gangster robbed small stores in the neighborhood.”
In pop culture
Watch the popular band Kool & the Gang sing their famous hit, “Celebration.”
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.