(noun, verb)
past tense: fogged

- Our flight was cancelled due to fog.
- The fog was so thick that we could not see the cars approaching.
- The painting showed the garden covered in a fog.
Fog also means ‘to be covered with fog.’
- When Andrew opened the oven, his glasses fogged up.
- The rain can fog your car windows, so be sure to use your defroster.
Common uses
lost in a fog: unable to concentrate. Example: “After her surgery, Frieda was lost in a fog for days.”
Did you know?
Did you know that smog is a combination of the words smoke and fog. Smog is air pollution that looks like fog but can cause respiratory problems for many people. Read about the Great Smog of London by clicking here.
In pop culture
Listen to Ella Fitzgerald sing “Lost in a Fog.”
There are other meanings of fog.
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