
A layer is a thickness of a material laid or spread on a surface.
- There is a layer of dust on the table.
- The outer layer of Felicia's skin was dry.
- Rick counted five layers in his rock specimen.
A layer is also a person or thing that lays something.
- The carpet layer placed the pad on the floor before laying the carpet.
- The hen was a good layer; she laid eggs every day.
Layers can also be several items of clothing worn on top of each other.
- When dressing in the winter, you should wear several layers -- undershirt, shirt, sweater and jacket.
Don't confuse it with
lawyer: a professional who represents clients in a court of law. Example: The lawyer asked the witness questions about the crime.
Did you know?
Would like to learn about the layers of the Earth. Then, listen to this rap:
In pop culture
Have you ever wanted to eat a 100 layer cake ball? Through the magic of YouTube, you can see how it’s made. Warning: Watching this video may make your teeth hurt.
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.