(adjective, verb)
past tense: slimmed

Slim means ‘slender or thin, as in the width of someone’s body.’
- That dress style looks best on a slim woman.
- John's hips are so slim that his jeans fall down.
Slim also means ‘slight.’
- There is a slim chance that Stacey will win the election.
Slim down means ‘to become slim.’
- Charley slimmed down after his back surgery.
Did you know?
The expression slim pickings means ‘very few good choices left.’ Example: “After the other kids each took a toy, it was slim pickings.” An actor who played many cowboy roles in the mid-20th century was named Slim Pickens. He probably chose that name as a joke–a play on slim pickings.
In pop culture
Watch Eminem’s 2000 hit music video “The Real Slim Shady.”
Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.