Intermediate+ Word of the Day

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: deck

In nautical terms, the deck is the surface, similar to a floor, on ship. Any place suggesting the surface of a ship is also called deck. Outside a house, a deck is an open, unroofed surface, usually made of…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: seep

To seep means ‘to flow or pass gradually’ through small openings or a porous surface, as water does, and also ‘to filter.’ In reference to ideas, methods, knowledge, or something similar, it means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: pot

A pot is a container, usually a large one, used to cook or heat water, and it is also the contents of the container. In addition, it is the container we use for flowers and other plants in our houses and gardens and a container for…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: bait

Bait is food, such as worms or bread or some substitute put onto a hook and used for fishing and, figuratively, anything used for tempting someone. In some parts of the US, a bait is a large quantity of something. As a verb, to bait means ‘to prepare a hook with bait,’ ‘to entice by deception,’ ‘to tease,’ and also ‘to torment with vicious remarks’…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: rave

To rave means ‘to talk irrationally’ or ‘to talk or write enthusiastically about something.’ As a noun, it’s an enthusiastic appraisal or review of something and the act of raving and, as an adjective, it means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: notch

A notch is a V-shaped cut or indention made on a surface and also a cut made on a stick or other object in order to keep count of something. It is also the indentation made in the end of a…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: prime

You might know that as an adjective, prime means ‘of top quality,’ ‘of great importance,’ ‘of great value,’ and ‘first in order.’ It also means ‘basic, fundamental.’ As a noun, prime is the most…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: scramble

You probably know scrambled eggs. But did you know that the verb ‘scramble’ means ‘to climb using both your hands and your feet’ and also ‘to compete with others’ and ‘to move quickly, with a purpose’? Scramble also means…

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