Intermediate+ Word of the Day: gross

Gross, as an adjective, means ‘total before deductions,’ when used in reference to money. It also means ‘extreme’ and, colloquially, ‘vulgar or indecent’. As a slang term, it means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: tame

To tame means ‘to domesticate,’ as done with wild animals, and, figuratively, it can be used to talk about people. It also means ‘to control’ and ‘to make less interesting or boring.’ As an adjective, it refers to…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: tack

A tack is a short nail with a large flat head, as well as a long stitch used to fasten fabric before sewing. It is also a course of action and, more specifically, the direction a boat takes when it…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: ditch

A ditch is a narrow channel dug in the ground and used for draining or irrigating land or any natural channel or waterway. The verb ditch means ‘to dig a ditch’ and also ‘to crash a plane into water.’ Colloquially, to ditch means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: slam

To slam means ‘to shut hard and noisily,’ as done with a door, ‘to strike or hit with noise and great impact,’ and ‘to push or strike violently,’ usually with the prepositions into or against. Figuratively, it means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: just

Just is an adverb that means ‘a moment before’ or ‘at this moment.’ It also means ‘exactly,’ ‘really,’ or ‘simply,’ and ‘by a narrow margin.’ It is a synonym for ‘only’ as well. As an adjective, just…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: campaign

A campaign is a series of operations undertaken for a specific purpose. On a military campaign, these operations are part of a war. However, campaigns can be related to politics, sales, marketing, or anything else aiming to achieve a certain aim. In politics, a campaign is a competition between candidates…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: jam

To jam means ‘to press or squeeze in a small space,’ ‘to block by crowding,’ and ‘to push violently on or against something’ or ‘to put something in position with a quick movement.’ In addition, jam means…

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