Intermediate+ Word of the Day: gush

To gush means ‘to flow out suddenly and with force,’ as liquids do when released from somewhere they have been contained. Figuratively, if a person talks too much and effusively or emotionally about something, that is also to gush, and if…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: grim

Grim is an adjective that means ‘stern and allowing no compromise.’ It can also refer to anything of a sinister character, and also to something cruel or savage. When we use grim to talk about people or things, it can mean…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: roost

A roost is a place where birds perch to rest, or any large cage or house for birds to rest in. Figuratively, any place to rest can be called a roost. To roost, as a verb, means ‘to sit or rest in a roost’ and, figuratively, ‘to settle or stay, especially to rest by…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: guy

We’re pretty sure you know that guy is an informal word for a man or boy and that, in the plural form guys, it can refer to both men and women, but did you know that guy is also a verb meaning ‘to make fun of or ridicule someone?’ And do you know who Guy Fawkes was and why today the UK celebrates Bonfire Night?

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