A joke is a short and funny story that you tell someone to…
A hut is a small and simple construction or dwelling, especially when made of natural materials, such as logs or grass. A roofed shelter with one or two sides left open can also be called a hut. In military terms, a hut is a temporary structure for housing troops. As a verb, to hut is now rare, but it means…
A din is a loud and continuous confused noise, usually coming from a big crowd of people. It is less common as a verb, but to din means ‘to sound with clamor or persistent repetition,’ ‘to teach by repetition,’ usually followed by into, and also ‘to assail someone with a loud and continuous confused…
A clod is a lump or a mass of soil or earth and it can also be used to mean ‘soil or earth’ in general. Clod can also be used figuratively to refer to the human body, as a literary term, in reference to humans having been created by God from the dust of the ground. Informally, you can call a stupid person a clod. Unrelatedly, a clod is a meat cut…