Intermediate+ Word of the Day: bait

Bait is food, such as worms or bread or some substitute put onto a hook and used for fishing and, figuratively, anything used for tempting someone. In some parts of the US, a bait is a large quantity of something. As a verb, to bait means ‘to prepare a hook with bait,’ ‘to entice by deception,’ ‘to tease,’ and also ‘to torment with vicious remarks’…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: rave

To rave means ‘to talk irrationally’ or ‘to talk or write enthusiastically about something.’ As a noun, it’s an enthusiastic appraisal or review of something and the act of raving and, as an adjective, it means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: notch

A notch is a V-shaped cut or indention made on a surface and also a cut made on a stick or other object in order to keep count of something. It is also the indentation made in the end of a…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: prime

You might know that as an adjective, prime means ‘of top quality,’ ‘of great importance,’ ‘of great value,’ and ‘first in order.’ It also means ‘basic, fundamental.’ As a noun, prime is the most…

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