Intermediate+ Word of the Day: drone

Nowadays we hear about drones a lot; they are plane-like machines operated by remote control. However, a drone is also the male bee and, colloquially, a dull and uninteresting person. A person who lives off the work of others is also…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: fold

To fold means ‘to bend something over itself,’ like cloth or paper. To fold also means ‘to cross, to put one over the other,’ when talking about a person’s arms. Fold is also a synonym for wrap and it means ‘to embrace’ as well. Informally,…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: lump

A lump is a mass without a particular shape, and in medical terms, it is a swelling or a part of the body that is bigger than usual. Informally, a lump is a multitude of people and also a dull person. As an adjective,…

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