To sneak means ‘to behave as if to be unnoticed or unseen’ or ‘to behave dishonestly or secretively.’ It also means ‘to put something away or to move it in a secretive way.’ In UK English,…
To clog means ‘to block or obstruct with a thick substance,’ ‘to fill excessively,’ and ‘to hinder or impede.’ A clog is anything that restricts movement. Unrelatedly, a clog is a…
To mock means ‘to make fun of someone’ or, more aggressively, ‘to attack someone by treating them with ridicule’ and also ‘to mimic or copy.’ Mock also means…
To burst means ‘to break suddenly’ or ‘to come forth suddenly and with force and impact.’ When talking about feelings, burst means ‘to suddenly show them.’ Burst also means…
An account is a description of events and also a reason or judgment. In business, it is money deposited with a bank or, usually in the plural, a formal record of financial transactions. As a verb, to account means…