whomp (noun, verb) /hwomp/

Mainly in US English, a whomp is a loud, heavy blow, slap, or bang. The verb means, of course, ‘to slap or strike heavily’ or ‘to make a banging noise.’ Figuratively, and rather informally, it means ‘to defeat decisively.’
Example sentences
- The boxer gave his opponent a whomp.
- I heard the whomp of the newspaper hitting the floor.
- The drunk whomped the man who had spilled his drink.
- Guns were whomping in the distance.
- The home team whomped the visiting side.
Words often used with whomp
whomp up (US): to rouse. Example: “The campaigners whomped up support for the new cycle lanes.”
In pop culture
The Whomp King or Giant Whomp is a character in the Mario Games franchise. This video tells you more about the Whomp King:
Did you know?
Whomp! is also the name of an online comic, which you can read by clicking here.
Whomp dates back to the mid-1920s. The noun was first used in the US, and it originated from the imitation of a heavy blow, or something falling with a heavy thud. The verb comes from the noun, and dates back to the 1950s, also in US English.
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