Intermediate+ Word of the Day: fold

To fold means ‘to bend something over itself,’ like cloth or paper. To fold also means ‘to cross, to put one over the other,’ when talking about a person’s arms. Fold is also a synonym for wrap and it means ‘to embrace’ as well. Informally,…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: lump

A lump is a mass without a particular shape, and in medical terms, it is a swelling or a part of the body that is bigger than usual. Informally, a lump is a multitude of people and also a dull person. As an adjective,…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: fling

To fling means ‘to throw with violence or without care’ or ‘to move yourself violently.’ It means ‘to send or put something or someone somewhere without preparation’ and ‘to involve yourself in something.’ As a noun,…

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