Intermediate+ Word of the Day: roost

A roost is a place where birds perch to rest, or any large cage or house for birds to rest in. Figuratively, any place to rest can be called a roost. To roost, as a verb, means ‘to sit or rest in a roost’ and, figuratively, ‘to settle or stay, especially to rest by…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: guy

We’re pretty sure you know that guy is an informal word for a man or boy and that, in the plural form guys, it can refer to both men and women, but did you know that guy is also a verb meaning ‘to make fun of or ridicule someone?’ And do you know who Guy Fawkes was and why today the UK celebrates Bonfire Night?

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: sway

To sway means ‘to move or swing from side to side’ or ‘to cause to move or swing from side to side.’ Figuratively, it means ‘to influence’ and, related to this, it can also mean…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: goad

A goad is a rod with a pointed (or, nowadays, sometimes electrically charged) end for driving cattle or other animals. Figuratively, something that drives, urges, or encourages can also be a goad. The related verb to goad means…

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