Intermediate+ Word of the Day: stem

The stem is the part of a plant that supports the leaf, flower, or fruit. It’s also something you can find in a wineglass, a pipe, or a watch. There are more meanings to discover, including what STEM means in education…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: prance

Prance is what horses do when they move with springing steps. It also means ‘to ride on a horse doing this.’ By extension, if a person prances, it means that he or she walks in a really proud manner, with exaggerated steps, trying to attract attention. As a noun, a prance is…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: gush

To gush means ‘to flow out suddenly and with force,’ as liquids do when released from somewhere they have been contained. Figuratively, if a person talks too much and effusively or emotionally about something, that is also to gush, and if…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: grim

Grim is an adjective that means ‘stern and allowing no compromise.’ It can also refer to anything of a sinister character, and also to something cruel or savage. When we use grim to talk about people or things, it can mean…

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