Intermediate+ Word of the Day: fair

If something is fair, it means that it’s ‘honest, just and free from bias.’ Fair also means ‘moderate,’ as in neither too good or too bad, and ‘somewhat large.’ If we are talking about color, it means ‘light, not dark’ and, when we refer to the weather, it means…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: bush

A bush is a low plant that grows near the ground or several shrubs that look like a single plant. Anything that resembles this, like a thick bit of hair, can be called a bush. An unclear area covered with plants is also a bush and the bush is used to talk about…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: folk

Folk, usually in the plural form folks in US English but more commonly as folk (but used with a plural verb) in UK English, means ‘people in general’. It can also mean ‘people of a particular group’, when used with an adjective. In sociology, folk…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: bond

A bond is something that binds things together or an agreement or feeling that unites two people. A strong promise is a bond and so is an agreement in which someone guarantees to pay an amount of money before a specific day or the money paid as a…

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Intermediate+ Word of the Day: hump

A hump is a rounded lump that sticks up, like the one on the back of a camel. A low rise over the ground’s surface is also called a hump. As a verb to hump means ‘to raise the back as to form a hump,’ like some animals do when they’re scared or annoyed. Informally, in US English…

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